The Biblical Leader’s Purpose

All of these texts combined lead us to the leader’s purpose which is stated in Matthew 28:18-20. Now that Jesus was raised He said; “all authority has been given to Me go therefore and make disciples teaching them to observe everything that I commanded you (Jn.13).” Jesus can now say this for now He has fulfilled His teachings (Mt.20; Mk.10; Lk.22; Jn.13). He wanted the authority over life and death so He became a servant. He put Himself under everyone else (Jn.13; Phil.2). He gave up all His rights and became as the youngest. Jesus became a servant so that He could LEAD THE WAY (be hegemai)! Jesus has the right to be the head, I will never try to take this position again … Now I understand “Attitudes and Consequences”. Jesus became a servant so that He could lead His people to fulfill His purpose. The purpose is to make other disciples (servants) just as He made disciples (servants) (Mt.20; Mk.10; Jn.13).

Marty Hale

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Marty Hale |

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